PREHAB // Pt. 1


Many patients are offered rehab AFTER surgery to aid in recovery and mobility but something that Paige, Joslynn and Leanna are all very passionate about is the idea of PREHAB - getting the body ready before surgery. As many of us are home and many surgeries have been canceled or postponed we wanted to offer you easy moves that you can do to prepare for your surgery from the comfort of your home for free!

These three exercises are great if you are preparing for surgery or if you have been sitting at a desk all day and are feeling tight.

PVC Pipe Stretch:


This stretch is amazing for opening up your chest. If you are getting ready for surgery, this ensures your chest is flexible and is seriously great for mobility. Mobility is so important before surgery because it ensures you are able to actively take your joints through their full range of motion, something that is typically disrupted after a double mastectomy.


-Lie on your back with knees bent, holding a stick/broom /PVC pipe in both hands, resting above your head.

-Keeping the stick and your arms flat against the ground, slowly slide the stick up, until your elbows are straight or until you feel a stretch in your chest and arms. Hold and then slowly slide back down.

-For additional stretch, you can roll a towel and place it between your shoulder blades.

Dead Bugs:


Focusing on your core is so important when preparing for surgery. After surgery you aren’t supposed to push up with you arms, so getting out of bed or off the couch becomes ALL core. Ensuring that your core is strong truly sets you up for success!


-Lie on your back with arms and legs straight up to the ceiling (can bend knees if this is too difficult), engage your core to keep your low back flat against the ground.

-Slowly lower the opposite arm and leg toward the floor, then come back up to starting position, and alternate sides.

-If this is too challenging, could do just arms or just legs, or could bend knees.

Scapular Push Up:


Excellent for getting your upper body stronger and getting you ready for surgery. Many women struggle with back pain post mastectomy, so strengthening your scapula - aka your shoulder blades - strengthens your back. This move strengthens your serratus anterior - which connects between the ribs, underneath the scapula itself, and its main function is to keep the shoulder blades pressed against the upper back. When you strengthen it, you promote normal scapula motion and improve shoulder mobility. This is also a great place to start if you have never been able to do a pushup and you have always wanted to be able to!


-Stand at an elevated bench or counter top, so that the body is at a slight incline and hands are about shoulder width apart.

-Keep elbows straight, and press up through shoulder blades (almost like rounding out upper back), then lower back down. Elbows stay straight the entire time. 

-The lower you get, the harder it will be - for example hardest would be in a standard push up position on the floor.

Disclaimer: Please check in with your medical team before attempting these exercises. Keep in mind, these exercises worked for Paige, Joslynn and Leanna but they might not be right for you. If you have recently had surgery, make sure you are cleared to exercise before attempting any of these exercises.


REHAB // Pt. 1


Meet Dr. Leanna Blanchard