REHAB // Pt. 1


REHAB can drastically aid in recovery and mobility after surgery, something that Paige, Joslynn and Leanna are all very passionate about. The sooner your body is able to rehabilitate, often the sooner and more likely you are to feel like YOU again!

These three exercises are great if you are recovering from surgery, have recently had drains removed, or if you have been sitting at a desk all day and are feeling tight.

Table Slide:


This stretch is amazing for stretching out stiff shoulders and increasing range of motion. So many of us suffer from a reduced range of motion after our mastectomies,  and this move can help with shoulder and arm movement and support good posture.


-Sit or stand at the kitchen table or counter top or bed, place one or both hands on the surface, and gently slide your hands forward until you feel a stretch in your armpit and side.

-Hold briefly and then return to the starting position.

-If you don’t feel comfortable sliding your hands, you can keep your hands in one spot but walk your body back to get the same stretch.

- 10- 15 slowly

Knee Rocks:


If you are early out of surgery, this is helpful to keep your body moving and prevent from getting stiff. After drain removal, the sides of our bodies can feel very tight and this stretch is great for loosening up our bodies and keeping our bodies fluid during recovery.


-Lie on your back (or propped up on pillows if needed), with knees bent.

-Gently rock both knees to one side until you feel a stretch in your side, hold briefly and then bring knees back to the middle and rotate to the opposite side. 

-Gently rock back and forth. You can keep arms down at your side, or bring them higher up for more stretch (if comfortable).

-alternate back and forth, 10 slowly on each side

**if you had a lat flap or diep surgery just be careful not to push yourself too far so you don’t hurt yourself or your incisions

Scapular Squeeze:


This is excellent for posture! Often after our mastectomies, lumpectomies or DIEP surgeries our posture suffers because we naturally fold our shoulders in to “protect" ourselves. This exercise helps open up our chest muscles and improves posture.


-While sitting or standing, think about being as upright as possible, and then pinch shoulder blades back to feel a slight stretch in the chest. Hold briefly, and then relax.

-You should feel muscles around your shoulder blades working, while the front feels like a gentle stretch.

-10 every hour or so

Disclaimer: Please check in with your medical team before attempting these exercises. Keep in mind, these exercises worked for Paige, Joslynn and Leanna but they might not be right for you. If you have recently had surgery, make sure you are cleared to exercise before attempting any of these exercises.


REBUILD // Pt. 1


PREHAB // Pt. 1