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Now that I have OFFICIALLY decided to have a revision surgery, I am SO excited to start the process and bring you along for ALL of it. 

When I underwent my preventative double mastectomy in 2017, I didn’t realize that I had options. I met with a plastic surgeon once and that was pretty much the extent of my research. I didn’t know what questions to ask. I didn’t get a second opinion - I didn’t even know that was an option or something people did! When I was told how my surgery would go - UTM with expanders and a delayed reconstruction - I assumed that was my only option. 

Looking back, there are so many things I wish I would have done differently. I wish I could have learned about surgeons from my breasties and known what questions to ask. I wish there had been a guide to help me or that our community of breasties was around then so I could have reached out and gotten guidance from my breasties. 

After I healed from my surgery I made a promise to myself for our community - I would do everything in my power to create resources, provide support, and share my story to ensure other breasties wouldn’t have to navigate their surgeries feeling as along and uniformed as I felt. 

Over the next few months I will be interviewing surgeons for my revision surgery and I will be bringing you along for the ride! I will be sharing the questions I am asking, doing the consultations LIVE on Instagram, and creating resources with you and for you so we can all benefit from my experiences! 

I hope this helps you feel empowered, more informed, and ready to take on your mastectomy, reconstruction or revision surgeries. We are in this together!