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First of all, is a mastectoversary even a real thing?!

I am not really sure… but I do know that life deserves to be celebrated and while I wasn’t going to post anything special today because it felt silly to make a fuss about something that happened four years ago I’m actually so freakin grateful for this choice I made.

For the life this one decision helped me to create. And that this decision led me to all of you - our incredible community of Breasties.

Four years ago I walked into my double mastectomy feeling completely terrified and alone. During the next four years I would lose myself, I would question if I made the right decision, I would hate my body, hate my Foobs, and at times even hate myself.

But then I would find myself. I would completely fall in love with myself, my body and my life. In a way that I don’t think would have been possible without making this decision

It’s been four years and I’m so grateful that I feel so damn sexy, strong and confident.

That I love my body,

That I love my Foobs.

That they finally feel like they are mine, that they are a part of me.

I’m so grateful to feel so at peace with myself.

That my body feels like my home again,

A safe beautiful place that deserves to be celebrated and loved.

Maybe it’s silly to put so much emphasis on a surgery but it did change my life for the better in so many profound ways.

If you are just starting out, undergoing genetic testing, recently diagnosed, or about to have a surgery - the way you feel right now doesn’t have to last forever.

It’s ok to be completely terrified and to be filled with doubt. It’s ok to be angry. It’s ok to feel like this is the worst thing to ever happen to you. It’s ok to not want to find a silver lining or to feel positive about any of it.

But with time, I believe you’re going to be ok.

I believe you’re going to find yourself through all of this.

I believe that you can learn how to fall in love with your body and your life again.

I feel confident saying this because if I can, I believe you can too 🙏🏼💕✨

Ps. No tub pasta for me today. Celebrations call for sexy tub pizza