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I can’t believe it has been THREE YEARS since my double mastectomy. Time flies!!

If you recently had your double mastectomy or are planning for it and you are feeling overwhelmed - I promise you that it gets easier and it is completely normal to feel like that. The first year is filled with lots of peaks and valleys but now that my wounds have healed into scars I can truly say that I am beyond grateful I made the decision to undergo a preventative double mastectomy and I truly love my life and my body post surgery.

Below I am answering a bunch of commonly asked questions. As always - please feel free to ask additional questions below in the comments and feel free to share your information and perspective!!

How many CC’s are your implants?

They are 520 cc’s.

I had expanders placed after my double mastectomy that are filled over time. My doctor filled them up to 490 cc’s before my exchange surgery and eventually ended up placing implants that are 520 cc’s. I am very happy with the size - I think they fit my frame perfectly!! There are a few things that I wish had been done differently when it comes to my reconstruction surgery which is why I am planning on having a revision surgery in 2021 !

For reference, I am 5’8 and weigh 140 pounds.

 What brand are your implants?

My current implants are the Natrelle medium profile silicone round implants. I like that these implants are highly tested for durability and they can withstand even a tractor rolling over them!! How insane is that?! I surf (pictured above), snowboard, and live my life as fully as I did BEFORE my double mastectomy. However, last year it came out that Allergan textured implants were causing BIA-ALCL and I was very disappointed in how they have handled the recall and the treatment of patients.

So I decided to dig deep and review all three implant brands manufactured here in the US and fell in love with Mentor!! I will be having a revision surgery in 2021 and will have my current implants swapped out for Mentor implants!

Click here to learn more about this!

What are the details of your implants?

They are Allergen’s round inspira, silicone, medium profile! I would highly recommend looking up the recent recall of their tear drop implants and as your friend, I wouldn’t recommend getting them!!

Are your implants over or under the muscle?

They are under the muscle but I wish that I had had them placed OTM. A major reason I am having a revision surgery is to have my implants placed over the muscle!

To read all about the difference between OTM vs UTM click here.

Did you keep your nipples?

Yes! This was really important to me in 2017 when I underwent my double mastectomy. However, over the years I have realized that I would have been totally fine having them removed.

As a previvor - this is a very personal decision and one that you have to make for yourself. Most women who are diagnosed with cancer are unable to keep their nipples.

I have seen some Breasties with tattoos or nipple reconstruction (where they make you nipples using your skin) and they are AMAZING!! They look SOO real! I also know breasties who have covered their scars with tattoos or who have just chosen not to replace their nipples and I truly believe all options are beautiful - you just have to choose what is best for YOU!

Where are your scars?

They are under my implants and I LOVE them!! #scarsaresexy

Have you had fat grafting?

Not yet but I am highly considering it to help fill in my indents / ridges during my revision surgery! Many breasties and plastic surgeons swear by fat grafting - but I have heard that it is very painful and you are very sore after!

Do you use any scar creams?

I have never used any scar creams (because I LOVE my scars) but I do use Vitamin E oil at night sometimes and after my surgeries I use whatever my doctor tells me to help the scabs heal.

Do you have any pain or nerve zaps?

Not anymore!!! So thankful those days are over! Though it is normal to experience this, I highly recommend calling your doctor if this is happening to you!

Do you have limited range of motion?

I have full range of motion back! If you are looking for exercises to do before or after your surgery, I highly recommend the Prehab.Rehab.Rebuild program!

Are you able to workout?

I can do ANY workout!! So grateful for how well I have healed. I can do pushups no problem. And I feel stronger and in better shape than I was BEFORE my surgery.  This took a long time to get to this point - over a year after my surgery - so don’t be hard on yourself, take your time building your strength back, and remember back steps are still steps forward!

Any advice on how to accept your new body?

I hated my body for a long time after my surgery. I really struggled with how my body looked and felt. I went from hating my body, to accepting it, to appreciating it, to liking it, to now LOVING IT!!!! I had to come to terms with the fact that I will never be “ME” again. I kept trying to get back to “normal.” When that’s never going to happen. I am a new me, and I have a new normal. Our foobs will never be like our OB’s (original boobies) but overtime we can learn to love our new bodies and appreciate them. It took me two years, a break up, and a whole lot of working on myself to get this this point. Im so grateful that I now really love who I am and love my body.

I think that the more you walk around naked and look at them/ give them some love - the more they will feel like your own and the easier it will be to fall in love with your new body. Take a bath and touch your foobs. GET TO KNOW THEM!! Rub some yummy lotions on them in the morning and at night. I love using jojoba oil. Look at them in the mirror and tell them out loud that you love them. The more work you put into getting comfortable with them and showing them some TLC, the easier it will be to fall in love with them!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask me below!! xx