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If you follow me on Instagram, then you know I have been struggling with an itchy rash all over my body for a longggg time.

I honestly was worried that it was my breast implants, mainly because anytime I would talk about some of my symptoms, I would get flooded with people telling me that's what it was.

It totally freaked me out!
Well, if something doesn’t feel right in your body, this is your sign to get answers!

I’ve been struggling with full body breakouts that range between painful and itchy and I have had no idea why. I finally decided to do everything in my power to get answers, with ex-planting being my last resort. I was going with the process of elimination.

My first stop was going to an allergist who took one look at me and told me I was suffering from allergies!! (If you asked me one week ago I would have told you that I’m not allergic to anything)

Turns out after extensive testing I’m allergic to sooo many things like a bunch of different trees, grasses, weeds, pollens, dust, plus cats AND dogs… like Bossy!!! Who I cuddle with ALL the time!! My allergist said this is a major reason why my chest and back breaks out!!

I’m also allergic to many foods that I’m eating including oats, bananas, pineapple, sunflower oil, and barley to name a few! (I drink oat milk all the time!!)

I’m still waiting on my bloodwork to come in so I don’t have ALL the answers but this is a major start and I’m so grateful I’m NOT ALLERGIC TO COFFEE!!! haha @ Broch! (he was convinced that I was!)

Happy to answer any questions and will give a full update once I know more. Hoping this empowers you to go to the doctor if you’re experiencing anything in your own body that doesn’t feel right. Don’t just accept discomfort or pain. You deserve to get answers, too.