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Due to my BRCA 1 mutation I see a Gynecologic Oncologist - medical doctors with specialized training in treating gynecologic cancers - every 4-6 months and also get regular transvaginal ultrasounds and CA 125 blood tests.

In between visits, I stay on the lookout for signs and symptoms of gynecological cancera and call my doctor if I am ever concerned.

Sharing some keys facts, signs and symptoms of 5 gynecologic cancers.

If you experience any, always call your gynecologist to schedule a check up ASAP!


#CervicalCancer symptoms include:

-abnormal vaginal discharge or bleeding

-bleeding after vaginal sex

-vaginal odor and pelvic or abdominal pain

**Most cases of CC are now preventable by getting a HPV shot

**The best way to find CC early is to have regular Pap tests and HPV tests


#OvarianCancer symptoms include the below if they last for longer than a few weeks:


-peeing urgency or frequency

-pelvic or abdominal pain

-difficulty eating or feeling full quickly

**early detection tips: Schedule regular check-ups, including pelvic exams and know your family history and ask your doctor about genetic testing.


#EndometrialCancer is also known as #UterineCancer. Signs and symptoms include:

-unusual vaginal bleeding

-watery pink or white discharge

-two or more weeks of pain in lower abdomen or pelvic area

-pain during intercourse


Signs of #VaginalCancer include:

-unusual vaginal bleeding

-bleeding after vaginal sex

-pain or problems with urination or bowel movements

-watery discharge

-a lump or mass in the vagina

#VaginalCancer is associated with HPV types 16 and 18— the #HPV vaccine can be used to prevent HPV infection. Routine wellness visits and cervical cancer screenings can sometimes find early invasive vaginal cancer.


Signs of #VulvarCancer or pre-cancer include:

-chronic itching

-abnormal bleeding or discharge

-skin color changes (lighter or darker, red or pink)

-bump or lump with wart like or raw surfaces

**While there is no standard screening for VC knowing what to look for can help with early detection.